Download 101
for Racing Buddy
approx: 20 Minutes with 56K Modem
Version 4.1.1
1) Download Program 2) Run Setup.exe 3) Follow prompts
4) Run Program
Requires 800 x 600 resolution or higher, minimum
133 Pentium PC
We welcome your support questions!
Registered Users using version 2.x or less:
Import your old races using the
File Menu - select "Back Up/Export - Import" and import your old files.
Default path for import is
C:\Program Files\RacingBuddy\(your user name).ran
If you need additional help downloading - read below
Click on your browser's print
icon to print out and save a copy of this guide!
DOWNLOAD 101 - Downloading and installation
If you are new to downloading files through the Internet
you've come to the right place! Here are step-by-step instructions for downloading
the software for Racing Buddy and installing it on your computer.
When you download a file from the Internet you are actually
copying a file from a remote location to the hard drive on your computer.
First you need to decide where on your hard drive you want to download the file
to. It often happens that after a file is downloaded, you can't find it!
![]() |
Create a download
folder (directory) on your hard drive if you don't already have one.
Name it TEMP, DOWNLOAD, or some other name that's easy
to remember.
![]() |
simply by clicking on the area indicated on Racing Buddy's download page.
You can download Racing Buddy from several different locations.
Links to downloading on that page are in green letters and underlined -- underlining
is used on web pages to indicate that you can click on the underlined area to link
to (go to) another page, a downloadable file, etc.
![]() |
(Netscape, Explorer, AOL default browser, etc.) will then display a message informing
you that you are about to download a file and ask you what you want to do with it.
It doesn't matter how it's worded, just choose the
SAVE or SAVE TO DISK option.
AOL's browser may ask you if you want to select a "helper
application". Just click on NO, and then select the SAVE option.
![]() |
A directory
window will be opened for you. This is where you choose where on your hard drive
you want to save it to. Choose the TEMP or DOWNLOAD directory you already created.
![]() |
Click OK and
the downloading will begin.
The downloading will take anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes,
depending on your modem speed. |
Racing Buddy, like most software programs you can
download from the Internet, is in "zipped" format. If you downloaded the complete
version 1, the file name is
Before running the installation program, make sure that you don't
have any other programs running. Close ALL programs, including any anti-virus
software that may be auto-scanning in the background. |
What's a zip file? is actually one large file containing many
other files that make up the entire Racing Buddy program. A zip file
can take a lot of files and compress them together into one file. This makes downloading
quick and more efficient.
AOL Unzipping Note:
AOL includes a feature that automatically unzips zip files when you log off. It
creates a subfolder in your download folder and names that folder the same name
as the zip file you downloaded. Just open that subfolder (probably named RacingBuddy)
and double-click on the file named setup.exe. This will start the installation
you've never "unzipped" a zip file, you may not have the software that is needed
to do this. Unzipping software is available for download everywhere, but I
recommend WinZip.
Click here if you need a copy of WinZip:
It's easy to download and install WinZip. Just
download the version for WIN95/98 and double click on the file to install it.
After it is installed, whenever you click on a file with the extension .zip,
it will automatically run the program for you. It's very easy and very convenient
to have!
To install Racing Buddy, go to the directory folder that
you downloaded to *(can't find it, click here!) and double-click
on the file ( Your unzipping program will start and unzip
all the files into a temporary directory. If you use the WinZip Wizard feature,
it will also tell you that it has found a setup program and ask you if you want
to run the install program. Choose INSTALL and everything is done for you
in one step!
If your unzipping software doesn't run the setup program
for you, you can easily do it yourself. Just find the file it unzipped called
setup.exe and double-click on it. The setup program will then install
the Racing Buddy program for you, and then you are ready to explore all of
Racing Buddy's features and start entering your own races!
An icon folder for Racing Buddy will be added to your Windows
Start button/Programs list. To start, just click on that folder and then select
Racing Buddy.
It's not necessary, but
it's always a good idea to reboot your system after installing new software in order
to update all your files. If you have WinNT or Win2000, then you must reboot after
the installation has finished. |
*Can't find
where you downloaded the file to?
-Use the Window's FIND function.
-Click on the Window's START button.
-Click on the FIND item.
-From the pop-out menu, choose "Files
or Folders…"
-The FIND window will open.
-Type in the name of the file you
download (i.e. and click on the "Find Now" button on the right.
-A window will then display the folder
(directory) where it has found a file with that name on your C:\ drive.

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